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Nota Bene: Compagnia Reale delle Ferrovie Sarde - Fu costituita a Londra il 2 Giugno 1863 per l’esecuzione della legge 4 gennaio 1863 n. 1105 che prevedeva la costruzione di 122 miglia di strade ferrate nell’isola da parte della Società Smith, Knight & C. per diversi motivi, nel 1874 furono ultimate solo le linee Cagliari - Oristano, Decimo - Iglesias, Porto Torres – Sassari –Ozieri . Comunque, a fine secolo erano in esercizio 422 chilometri di linee principali e 560 chilometri di linee secondarie.

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V I S U A L I Z Z A    D I S C U S S I O N E
Ricardo Inserito il - 24/02/2012 : 07:45:55
Hello my friends!

Sorry about not speaking Italian. But you can reply in Italian, I understand most of it.
I come to this forum searching for some help. My name is Ricardo, I am portuguese and I'm doing some research on roman-period tombs with a semicilyndrical lid, usually called cupae or, in the cases that are realistic sculptures of barrels, cippi a botte.
The realistic ones exist only in Sardegna and Portugal. But in both places there are also other types of cupae.
I would be very thankful if some kind soul would be able of getting me some more information and some photos of a few of the monuments.

Thank you, and very best wishes for everyone and the forum.
15   U L T I M E    R I S P O S T E    (in alto le più recenti)
pollo mannaro Inserito il - 21/03/2012 : 12:11:44
Ricardo ha scritto:

Well, my work is going on; some of the links and suggestions you gave me were very effective! I am now finding several other points of connection between different types of cupae in the Iberian Peninsula and Sardinia.

Something very interesting is that apparently in the early 1st century AD Augustus created a praesidium in Astis for a cohors Lusitanorum. So there were Lusitanian troops there at that time. That may help to explain how you have cippi a botte so similar to the ones in the south of Portugal (there seem to be more here but I cannot say, at least yet, if they went from here to there or the other way around) as well as the presence in Sardegna of an altar dedicated to goddess Ataegina, who was worshipped only in the south of Spain and Portugal.

You can read a bit more about this here:

When my work is more consolidated I'll share the information.

Thanks a lot for everything as always.

Grazie Ricardo, we'll wait for your news.

Stay in touch!

Ricardo Inserito il - 19/03/2012 : 22:40:23
Well, my work is going on; some of the links and suggestions you gave me were very effective! I am now finding several other points of connection between different types of cupae in the Iberian Peninsula and Sardinia.

Something very interesting is that apparently in the early 1st century AD Augustus created a praesidium in Astis for a cohors Lusitanorum. So there were Lusitanian troops there at that time. That may help to explain how you have cippi a botte so similar to the ones in the south of Portugal (there seem to be more here but I cannot say, at least yet, if they went from here to there or the other way around) as well as the presence in Sardegna of an altar dedicated to goddess Ataegina, who was worshipped only in the south of Spain and Portugal.

You can read a bit more about this here:

When my work is more consolidated I'll share the information.

Thanks a lot for everything as always.
pollo mannaro Inserito il - 15/03/2012 : 17:08:34
Hi Ricardo

I’m very sorry (and upset). I wasn’t able to find any ref. about the cupae you are interested in.
Everybody says they were excavated (and data collected) but no relevant info at the moment.

I'll go ahead but I'm not confident about a possible result.

Best regars
Trambuccone Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 22:46:42
...There's no point on trying again... You already gave the right answer, didn't you?

pollo mannaro Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 21:16:06
Trambuccone ha scritto:

I'm disappointed... I hoped it was the third...

Sorry my friend, try again...
Trambuccone Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 18:40:30
I'm disappointed... I hoped it was the third...

pollo mannaro Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 18:25:17
Trambuccone ha scritto:

Well, I'm interested to see side effects of beer on a chicken...
There could be at least three of them : laying eggs, spending all the evening in the loo... Or talking until breathless...

...the second you told (according to Quelo religion!)
Trambuccone Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 18:16:45
Well, I'm interested to see side effects of beer on a chicken...
There could be at least three of them : laying eggs, spending all the evening in the loo... Or talking until breathless...


pollo mannaro Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 18:05:03
Trambuccone ha scritto:

How many do you need to lubricate your throat??????


...too many!
Trambuccone Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 17:57:56
How many do you need to lubricate your throat??????

pollo mannaro Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 17:45:40
Trambuccone ha scritto:

exactly what Phoenicians did in Tharros!

...and not only in there!
Thanks a lot Pollo, it seems we share the same "language".
I owe you a pint!


...or more than one...
Trambuccone Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 14:41:02

exactly what Phoenicians did in Tharros!

...and not only in there!
Thanks a lot Pollo, it seems we share the same "language".
I owe you a pint!


pollo mannaro Inserito il - 11/03/2012 : 14:00:04
Trambuccone ha scritto:

A few tips to choose the right beach in Sardinia.
1) Listen the Weather Report
2) Choose a beach sheltered from the wind forecasted!

This is "pure archaeology": exactly what Phoenicians did in Tharros!

Trambuccone Inserito il - 10/03/2012 : 22:07:43
A few tips to choose the right beach in Sardinia.
1) Listen the Weather Report : or :

2) Choose a beach sheltered from the wind forecasted!



pollo mannaro Inserito il - 10/03/2012 : 11:57:58
Ricardo ha scritto:

Great beach, but with freezing water, usually! I'm sure the Mediterranean beaches are warmer.

Sea water around Sardinia is not so warm, especially on the west coast exposed to NW winds. Portinho de Arrabida remainds San Giovanni di Sinis (Tharros) and water temperature is not so much different.
Now you have a new good reason to visit Tharros (swimming in the wawes during a windy day). | | Crediti Snitz Forums 2000